Saturday, November 30, 2019

Where I Belong free essay sample

The day that would change my life did not even begin like an ordinary day. It was overflowing with excitement from the moment I awoke. This was to be the day I would find my true love: horses. It all started when my family moved from the Detroit area to Flushing, Michigan. Flushing is rather large for a small town but it was a welcome change from Detroit’s constant sirens. There I saw an ad for horseback riding lessons. When I asked my parents about it, my mom was worried I would get hurt and Dad didn’t think I would stick with it, but after some pleading my parents agreed that I could take lessons. As we made our way down the back roads, my excitement could not be contained. I rambled on and bounced around the car. A nauseating combination of excitement and terror tumbled in my stomach. We will write a custom essay sample on Where I Belong or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As soon as we turned into the driveway, I was unbuckled. Once introduced to my riding instructor, I had a tour of the barn. Stepping into the aisle, the aroma of fresh hay, the saddle leather, and the stress-relieving, mind-numbing, intoxicating fragrance of horses hit me like a ton of bricks. I knew that I belonged. When I opened my eyes, my jaw dropped. I had never seen so many horses. After my initial shock, I was introduced to Shannon, a stout Quarter Horse almost 15 hands tall who looked absolutely massive to me, a nine-year-old. She must have sensed my fear because as the instructor explained how to tack up, she looked deep into my eyes as if to say, It’s okay, little one. I’ll take good care of you. Her eyes were so reassuring that I let go of my fears and listened to the instructor. When we were all tacked up, we made our way to the arena. Because it was my first time, I was put on a lunge line. With my helmet firmly in place, I put my foot into the stirrup and leapt onto the saddle. Everything felt so strange and awkward, but Shannon never faltered and with each step, my confidence grew. The years of being a show horse could still be seen in a flicker of Shannon’s huge chocolate eyes as she carried herself proudly. As we neared the end of my first ride, the instructor told me to let go of the saddle horn. Apprehensive at first, I let one hand go and then the other. As we slowly circled I lifted my hands into the air. I felt free as a bird. I felt like this was where I belonged. My place in life would forever be on a horse. When I dismounted, my legs were wobbly. I hugged Shannon so hard that my face was lost in a sea of black mane. Patting her silky brown neck, I felt so comfortable. When she was untacked, a sudden sadness overpowered me. The instructor asked what was wrong and I replied, â€Å"Now I have to wait until next week to come back!† My parents knew at that moment that this was not a one-time thing. From that day on my life has been nothing but horses. From horse shows to trail rides, it has been horses, horses, and more horses. I belong on a horse. Even when I’m old, even if I can’t walk, I’ll find a way to be with the passion of my life. From the first awkward step to the rider I am today, I wouldn’t change a single fall, victory, or defeat. Who would have thought that a bay mare would put me in my place in this crazy world?

Monday, November 25, 2019

Asian Values and Clash of the Cultures essays

Asian Values and Clash of the Cultures essays Asian values and clash of the cultures In the early 1990s, Europe watched enviously as the Asian Tigers grew exponentially. We asked ourselves: what lessons can Europe learn from Asia? After the crash, the question was reversed: what lessons can Asia learn from Europe? (, Speech by Chris Patten, Seoul, 20 July 2000) Western newspapers, radio and television stations, research institutes and universities have had much more to say about Asian values lately than Asian themselves. And usually it isnt in positive context. The idea of an "Asian Values" is actually very new. National traditions have been strong and rooted in peoples' perceptions. But the sense of a regional identity and shared heritage is a notion of today. Recently many Asian countries have started to praise Asian Values. There is many reasons for that but the strongest one have to be that they feel threatened by the sudden influence of Western culture and demands for democratisation and liberalisation as a result of their economic expansion. Though we have to remember that different kinds of anti-western attitudes, especially towards Europe has occurred since the end of the colonialism. Some of the Asia Countries leaders criticised the West for refusing to accept the legitimacy of Asian values. They argue that the reason is that West cannot accept that East Asia is becoming a centre of World power. Further more, they believe that psychological revolution is taking place in East Asia as soon as Asians recover from their colonial past and are discovering that they can do things as good as, or even better than the West. Asian Values, such as hard work, loyalty, and an emphasis on society's needs, have often been considered as a main reason for Asias economic growth and success in recent decades. West anyhow has challenged this believe by asking why didn&apo...

Friday, November 22, 2019

A contrast between opposing values in Hard Times Essay Example for Free

A contrast between opposing values in Hard Times Essay ? The first incident that involves the circus and circus people that I would like to talk about, and that clearly demonstrates the contrast between opposing values is on page 34 onwards. Mr Gradgrind, the absolute pinnacle of fact in the book, goes to visit the Circus people to tell them that the fanciful Sissy Jupe can no longer attend the school. I have chosen this incident as it involves more of the circus characters than really at any other time, secondly the description of the circus shows just how far from the world and values of fact it is. The circus is the best symbol for representing the alternative to all that is fact in the book; the circus is seen as a world of mystery and wonder almost of magic and idea that completely goes against the idea of facts. Gradgrind and Bounderby go to see Sissy’s father only to find out he has abandoned his daughter, it is then that Mr Gradgrind decides on the possibility of taking Sissy to his own home, and educating her in the ways of fact from there. Mr Bounderby and Mr Gradgrind get together during this time and have a conference of opinions based upon the fact and laws they have always followed, Gradgrind being softer at heart but still the fact machine at this point wants to take Sissy home, but Gradgrind can be heard to be saying â€Å"No. I say no. I advise you not. I say by no means.† He does this as he is the metaphor for fact throughout the book and to take someone else’s child on as your own and teach them the ways of fact, when she has been living the life of fancy for many years seems absurd to Bounderby. However, at the same time that Gradgrind is having a debate about the matter with Bounderby, â€Å"†¦the various members of Sleary’s company gradually gathered together from the upper regions†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The circus people are described in this chapter as being â€Å"†¦remarkable gentleness and childishness about these people, a special inaptitude for any kind of sharp practice, and an untiring readiness to help and pity one another, deserving often as much respect, and always as much generous construction, as the every-day virtues of any class of people in the world.† Unlike the likes of Bounderby and Gradgrind, who cannot be described as emotional or passionate or anything of the sort just â€Å"plain hard facts† Sleary in this chapter is the real philosopher on the ideas of fancy he even says it â€Å"†¦I lay down the philothophy of the thubject when thay to you, Thquire, make the betht of uth: not the wurtht!† This chapter clearly show the contrast between opposing views and values in Hard Times, the circus shows a whole new world but is representative of a whole new set of values the ideas of fancy are represented in the themes and scenes with the circus. The thing is with the circus is that it has almost dreamlike status things happen there that cannot happen anywhere else and it appears to be an almost illusion, for example â€Å"The father of one of the families was in the habit of balancing the father of another of the families on top of a great pole.† These are the things that you would only expect to see in dreams and so therefore it is fanciful, a complete contrast to the ideas of fact displayed throughout the rest of Hard Times. A good example of how far opposed to the ideas of fact the circus is takes place on page 12 and 13 when, Mr Gradgrind the keeper of facts and bringer of knowledge to Thomas and Louisa Gradgrind’s lives, catches them sat watching the circus people, he takes the view that the circus was bad news, as it opposes everything he stands for â€Å"Now to think of these vagabonds attracting the young rabble from a model school.† He sees the idea of the circus so fanciful and alien to him, he feels that to watch a circus act would be to debase himself or a well-educated child. It even says â€Å"his own mathematical Thomas abasing himself on the ground to catch but a hoof of the graceful equestrian Tyrolean flower act!† This sentence shows what the opposing values are fully in Hard Times, it is obvious from the statement that anything mathematical or just plain practical is in direct opposition to the fanciful nature of flower shows and the like. Thomas when caught does not even protest but knows that to obey his father’s principles he must â€Å"[give] himself up to be taken home like a machine.† That is clearly the way of fact to be machine like, and that is why the circus is such a good opposition and symbol of everything fact isn’t, Gradgrind condemns circus like ideals when he says â€Å"In the name of wonder, idleness and folly!† apparently to dream or to be imaginative is lazy in Gradgrind’s books. Which is why the factual way in which Gradgrind has based his life upon is so offended by the ideas of fancy as he doesn’t like the thought of being considered as being not lazy but that there can be other ways to work hard in life. Gradgrind is so full of the idea that facts are right, that he even questions and believes that with all these thoughts at the disposal they could make the wrong decision, when surely it isn’t a case of right and wrong? Just opposing views and they do oppose each other! Gradgrind does say though â€Å"Thomas though I have the facts before me I find it difficult to believe that you with your education and resources should have brought your sister to a scene like this.† This makes it seem as though education is supposed to kill the imagination, which clearly conflicts with the views of the circus, which believe that you should work hard and perform in life, but never let the dreams die. A contrast between opposing values in Hard Times. (2017, Nov 15).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The development of Blues and Jazz Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The development of Blues and Jazz - Essay Example Like jazz, the blues originated in the Deep South and had its roots in folk and popular culture, namely African American spirituals, gospel music or folk ballads (Culture and Change: Black History in America). Ironically while the proverbial Jazz Age celebrated the material excess and splendor of the years of economic boom which preceded the Great Depression, jazz and the blues had their roots in the melancholy and suffering which typified the lives of African Americans in the plantation society of the Deep South. The sadness of these musical forms, though it speaks tacitly of the pain of separation and exploitation, does not diminish its aesthetic beauty. In fact, perhaps quite paradoxically, jazz speaks of sadness even as it embraces an extremely life-affirming spirit. Perhaps the most important characteristic of jazz is its emphasis on artistic freedom. Improvisation is the most central facet of this musical genre. Improvisation which is essentially the act of creating melodies an d lyrics in the flow of a performance debunks the very idea of the normative in creative expression. Improvisation is seen in the solo performances of the best known jazz artist, Louis Armstrong as well as in the â€Å"free jazz† styles of artists such as Albert Ayler, Ornette Coleman, and John Coltrane (ibid). The trajectory of jazz and the blues is many pronged. ... are many factors which imbue jazz with not merely artistic importance but also cultural and sociopolitical importance and an analysis of these is important to this discussion. Jazz was brought to the fore in the American society shortly after the end of World War I. It celebrated, thus, freedom, happiness and the hope for peace, all things that the annihilation of war destroys. Furthermore, the Jazz Age coincided with a crucially important literary and political movement in the U.S.A.-the Harlem Renaissance. The Harlem Renaissance, predominantly an African American movement emphasized the literary and intellectual achievements of blacks and called for social and political equality for the colored people of the country. Jazz and the blues and their multifarious manifestations, formed a major part of the movement. It was celebrated in its most immediate form, music, but its beats and themes were also incorporated in dancing and literature. Above all, by celebrating the folk roots of ja zz, the movement upheld black pride and the civic equality of all Americans. In terms of its beginnings, jazz is similar to the minstrels, ballads and spirituals which have existed in every society since time immemorial. These forms are what Mikhail Bakhtin characterizes as â€Å"low† or â€Å"carnival†; they do not adhere to normative strictures of the â€Å"high† arts and seek an audience that is usually not amongst the socially and economically privileged in society (Mikhail Bakhtin). Jazz is unique by the virtue of the fact that it transcends its folk roots to enter the popular imagination of not merely the U.S.A. but many European nations as well. In fact, in the 1940s when jazz had already enjoyed a decade of dizzy popularity, jazz musicians were willing to explore in other directions

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Ethnographic film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ethnographic film - Essay Example There has no actual date that states the origin of this film. The initial instances of these films were the footages that projectionists and film makers took during their travels. They took footages of distant cultures in the places they visited. Colonizers also used them to educate the countries they colonized during their travels. They viewed them later during the journey or after returning home. Some argue that they begum in 1895 when Lumiere shown his film named ‘Arrival of Train’. During that time, the travelling agents also shown their clips during their travel. However, the anthropologist disagrees that this inspired the production of ethnographic films. They claim that the people who acted this film did not have acting experience and non-western. The cultures of this people had no exposure to the modern world and lived in the non-urban area. These factors disregard that these films originated during that time. After the First World War museums and universities st arted using ethnological films in their anthropological teachings. Commercial producers such as Paul Fejos trained anthropologists on how to use filming tools during their researches. They also collaborated with institutions and museums to produce high quality movies (Beate 67). Robert J Flaherty produced and shown his film â€Å"Nanook of the North’ in 1920. The film consisted of documentaries and stage crafts. He intended to naturalistically to portray people who lived in the arctic regions. He did not have any anthropology background but the subjects in his movie interacted with him well. People saw his pictures portray the unknown Eskimo way of life real. This made him the godfather of ethnological films together with his previous films he had recorded. Later in Gregory and Mead released their film ‘Hunter’. It documented the complex rituals that take place in New Guinea. This became the most viewed ethnographic films in different American institutions. Othe r ethnographic films that followed: Napoleon Chagnon, The story of a Kung Woman and The Feast. Marcel, Dieterlen and Rouch flourished production of ethnographic films in France. Discovery of 16mm cameras and light tape-recorders led to evolution of Visual anthropology. Then followed enhancement of filming techniques in visual anthropology by Rouch. Then Robert and Karl introduced editing and filming as a serious research technique. Then ‘Dead Birds’, a film produced later combined all these enhancements during its filming and production. In 1970’s, Judith and MacDougall started to produce ethnographic films with subtitles. Later different production techniques such as reflex ion and experimental montages become introduced in filming of ethnographic films by Minh-Ha. These summarize a brief history of how ethnographic films evolved in the world. There have been conflicts between the filmmakers and the archaeologist. Archaeologists argue that the ethnological films they produce do not satisfy the required criteria. Lack of scientific knowledge among the filmmakers contributes to this problem. They further argue that the filmmakers only primarily concerned with meeting documentary film conventions. This makes them not to meet the convention of ethnological films. These conventions require their images and sound tracks to be anthropological in nature. The film makers depend on verbal or written words to make their films anthropological. This again makes them fail to meet the conve

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The House of Mirth Essay Example for Free

The House of Mirth Essay Lily Bart is simultaneously a product and a victim of the society she was born into. She cannot choose between two possible ways of living: to hunt for wealth or long for love and understanding. She was taught that her goal of life was to find a wealthy man and become his wife. She can choose only among those who either have no social status (Rosedale), are married (Trenor), are boring and not interesting for her (Gryce), or have no money (Selden). 2. As the story progresses we understand that money is not everything in this upper class of society the main character belongs to. One must behave a certain way, be friends with certain people and have a free admission to certain houses. Everybody watches each other and then discusses the details with the rest of elite. This is the society where everybody will struggle to death, step over others, use and abuse others but to get what one wants. We see how Lily’s friends treat her and this is not the way how friends treat each other. It is not allowed to meet with a man unless you have a chaperone. If a women is married, she has to be discreet, besides women must be more precise in their appearance than men. 3. One social group I know (my parents belong to it) has ist â€Å"unwritten rules†, too. Among these are: not to stare people and not to point to people; not to ask for favor; to drive an expensive car; not to be late. There are also rules about dressing up like: not to wear jeans if its not casual day to work and not to ask womans age. 4. While reading the book I felt really sorry for people who lived at that time when they could not be free but had to live the way the society has determined for them. I felt quite happy for the present and for myself that modern rules are not that terrible, although some of them are worse that in the past. I also felt sorry for the girl herself: being all alone among people who just use and abuse you, knowing that your only fate is to try to please a wealthy man whom you do not necessarily like but whom you need in order to live a normal life. Bibliography: 1. Wharton, Edith. The House of Mirth. New American Library; Reprint edition (February 1, 2000).

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Early Repolarization Pattern (ERP) Essay -- pattern, leads, conditions

Introduction Early repolarization pattern (ERP) is an enigmatic common electrocardiographic (ECG) finding,occurring in 1% to 2% of the general population (1). ERP prevalence is decreasing with advancing age (2) This ECG pattern is frequently observed in healthy persons,particularly young,male (3,4,5), athletic (6,7), and of African-American origin (4,5,6,7,8).On the 12-lead ECG the ERP is characterized as â€Å"notching† or â€Å"slurring† of the terminal portion of the R wave and beginning of the ST-segment that produces a positive hump known as J wave. The J wave is a deflection with a dome that appears immediately after the end of QRS complex followed by ST-segment elevation ≠¥ 0.1 mV (or 1 mm, varying from 1 to 4 mm) above isoelectric line (relative to the subsequent TP interval) concave upward in at least two contiguous ECG leads. This ECG finding is most frequently seen in the precordial leads from V3 to V5 and often in the inferior leads II, III, and aVF (9) Normal ERP should be differentiated from others conditions with ST segment elevation such as asthenic habitus, acute pericarditis, STEMI,Brugada syndrome (BrS), congenital short QT syndrome(SQTS), and IVF (10,11). Although the condition is usually considered benign, its potential arrhythmogenicity has been suggested by experimental studies.(12) The majority of such sudden cardiac arrests are caused by ventricular tachyarrhythmias, which occur in persons without structural heart disease in 6 to 14% of cases. (13,14) These results were replicated in similar studies and the association with increased arrhythmic risk was subsequently extended to the general population in large cohort studies (16,17). In brief, ER consists of 2 components: prominent J waves and ST-segment elevation.... ... and QT interval association.In the recently study, patients with ERP had shorter QTc interval than subjects with normal ECG pattern. Also statistical results are significantly different about other paratemeters like QT,JT,JTc,QT-apex interval.The previous studies showed ERP and short QT interval relation however subjects had different heart rates.Conversely we showed this association one-to-one matching with heart rates. Study limitations The number of subjects in this study is limited,because as a tertiary center patients with early repolarization pattern referred to our institution were complex and had comorbidities Although the cohort included subjects with strictly defined common features, data collectionwas not uniform among centers. In our study population, we had no subjects with structural heart disease so the results may not apply to these subgroups.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Stakeholders Influence

Stakeholders are all those who need to be considered in achieving project goals and whose participation and support are crucial to its success. Stakeholder analysis identifies all primary and secondary stakeholders who have a vested interest in the issues with which the project or policy is concerned. This information is used to assess how the interests of those stakeholders should be addressed in a project plan, policy, program, or other action. The goal of a stakeholder is to develop a strategic view of the human and institutional landscape, and the relationships between the different stakeholders and the issues they care about most. Working with your key stakeholders to flesh out unambiguous and measurable objectives will set your program off on the right track. Stakeholders provide opportunities to further align business practices with societal needs and expectations, helping to drive long-term sustainability and shareholder value. Stakeholder s is intended to help the practitioners fully realize the benefits of stakeholder engagement in their organization, to compete in an increasingly complex and ever-changing business environment, while at the same time bringing about systemic change towards sustainable development. Far West Elementary school is located in Far West in New Hampshire, which is a large metropolitan area with 2 million residents. Far West has a population of 30,000. Far West Elementary School has a student population of 700, 30% of the student having relocated from Asian countries within the last two years. Most of the student’s families are moving into the community to take advantage of the low income housing and are comforted by the presence of similar cultures. Many of the new residents have limited English writing, reading, and speaking skills. The school mission is work together as a team to promote responsibility, self esteem, and achievement that will last for a lifetime. The goal of the school is to maintain a safe and caring public school for the children, staff and the community by teaching good character throughout the school. The needs and expectations of the groups in terms of Far West Elementary School is very important because we want to promote responsibility, self esteem, and academic achievement where differenced are valued and learning is a lifelong goal. Children- The program of study for English at stage 1 aims to develop children’s independent and confident use of language in all its different forms in order to explore extend and allow reflection upon their experiences. As they develop as language users at stage 2, children learn to adapt their speaking, reading and writing to different situations, purposes and audiences across a range of genres, and learn to engage with more sophisticated layers of meaning. They also learn how language works. Parents – Parents obviously need the training to be able to help their children to work on learning the English language. It will be good for the parents to participate in the class because they will learn both stages as well. This will help the parents interact with the teachers as well as helping their children at home with homework assignments. Instructors – The instructors play an important part in the whole program. It’s the instructor responsibility is to make sure the children as well as the parents get the proper training. Being open and willing to learn about their students is a key component of teachers' learning. But this does not mean simply reading a book on cultural differences or adding a unit on different family traditions. Although these can be helpful activities, they may do little to inform teachers about the students in their classrooms. They need support of administrators and policymakers, who nowadays sometimes treat teachers as little more than test givers. Teachers also need the support of the general public. The funding institution that will fit Far West Elementary School program is called Fund for the Improvement of Education. This program supports significant program within a school. They administer grants and contracts to improve elementary and secondary education to meet state academic achievement standards. They also offer 3 million for a Teacher to Teacher Initiative that will help teachers of critical need language. If needed they also offer Teach for America, which recruit and train college graduates in communities what really need the help. Their goal is to improve the quality of education, assist all content standards, and contribute to the achievement of the elementary students. What’s also included in the program is a set curriculum that the instructor will have to go by to teach the students and parents. This will give the instructors the opportunity to be able to work towards certification or licensed for bilingual teaching. Even thought the instructors are getting the training, they will still able to start the program at least one a week until their training is over so they can learn and teach at the same time. The finding institution will also handle of cost of the training and the program for the students. The program includes the costs books for the instructors, children, and parents. To be able to continue to training for the program they have to report monthly reports for the institution so they can see how the program slowly falling into place. The funding institution will attempt to determine whether the program as implemented does what it is intended to do for the students and it is this determination of a true program that will impact the evaluation from other assessment. This program will make a big impact on the school because they will be teaching the targeted children including their parents the fundamentals of English language. The children who are in the program will get a chance to participate in other activities within the school and will also help them communicate with other in their neighborhood. This will also help the parents interact with others in the community, help children with their homework, build an relationship with the teachers, and will also help them look for jobs as well. Find for the Improvement of Education will help the school reach a higher level within the state. That will help increase more funds to help the school and if more Asian students come into the community. Reference Page Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education. Retrieved March 29, 2010.. http://www. ed. psu. edu/Englishpds/inquiry/projects/gore04. htm Improve-Education. org. Retrieved March 29, 2010.. www. ed. psu. edu/Englishpds/inquiry/projects/gore04. htm Understanding Organizational Stakeholders for Design Success.. Retrieved March 29, 2010 http://www. boxesandarrows. com/view/understanding_organizational_stakeholders_for_design_success

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Lancôme Marketing Plan Essay

I. Executive summary: Lancà ´me is preparing to launch a new anti-aging cream concluding the perfect result of 10 years exploring in lab and be recommended as â€Å"A miracle elixir exists†, the Absolue L’Extrait, in Vietnam cosmetic market. Our product offers a competitively unique combination of the latest advanced technology in dermal stem cells and great beauty effects after testing and launching in other countries. We are targeting specific segments in the consumer and taking advantages of opportunities indicated by the huge demand for beauty in such a dynamic economic. The primary marketing objective is to achieve first-year Vietnam sales of 10,000 units. The primary financial objectives are to achieve first-year sales revenues of $3.5 million and break even early in the second year. II. Current market situation: Lancà ´me is founded in 1935 by Armand Petitjean in France. From the beginning till now, Lancà ´me has brought beauty for women in 160 countries worldwide through 28.000 retailers and stores all over the world. After gaining a large amount of market shares in European market and become a market leader, Lancà ´me turns the target into Asia, and Vietnam in special. Penetrating in Vietnam in 2006 through the only retailer channel- Parkson, Lancà ´me has gained a certain amount of market share and has occupied a strong position in the eye of the upper- class. However, we also have to compete with some strong brand names in cosmetic about pricing and gaining customer’s loyalty such as Clinique which is the pioneer in dermatologist-developed cosmetic brand. Exploring that most of Vietnamese women (about 75%) care much more about skincare than makeup, the newest product which is in the expansion of the premium ABSOLUE line – Lancà ´me’s Absolue L’extrait, will be about to launch into Vietnam market and possess a strong advantage to differentiate from other competitors. 1. Market description: Method: Concentrated marketing Absolue L’Extrait is a new- launched and luxury product, therefore concentrated marketing help the company gain a strong market position. Table 1: Segment Needs and Corresponding Features/Benefits of L’Extrait Cream Target Market| Customer need| Corresponding feature/ benefit| Upper- class women| A cream can slow down and push back the aging process.A therapy can bring them back to the confident and youth like they were before.| Rose stem cells extracted from the Lancà ´me Rose are claimed to be capable of â€Å"stimulating human dermal stem cells†. The formula will also contain Proxylane, a proprietary anti-aging active ingredient of L’Orà ©al.| 2. Product Review: Absolue L’extrait is the latest anti-aging cream of Lancà ´me as well as the first product to feature a high concentration of a kind of native cells-rose stem cell. Rose stem cells is said to be extracted from the Lancà ´me Rose- a species specifically created for Lancà ´me in 1973 and resisting various environmental aggressions (cold, insects†¦). It is claimed to be capable of â€Å"stimulating human dermal stem cells†. Each 50 ml jar of formula is claimed to contain â€Å"2 million rose stem cells†. Apart from the rose stem cells, the formula will also contain Proxylane, a proprietary anti-aging active ingredient of L’Orà ©al. The jar is sold with a massage tool – the â€Å"massage petal applicator† – developed with the Lancà ´me Institute. It is claimed to alternate hot and cold effects for stimulating the skin to invigorate it, activating microcirculation and promoting a better penetration of the formula’s active i ngredients. As a global anti-aging formula, it is claimed to have a significant efficiency on the â€Å"seven major signs of aging† said by Lancà ´me to be: – Forehead wrinkles – Frown lines – Crows’ feet – Under-eye wrinkles – Nasolabial fold – Wrinkles around the mouth – Facial slackening *The testing and trial process: The formula has been tested on 42 women, half of them having sensitive skin. Results were observed after 11 weeks. This is quite unusual, since most of skincare products are tested on a 4 week basis. This is a trick to obtain better results to claim – the longer you use a product, the better are the results. Since its creation, Absolue has always extended the limits of science and creativity to incarnate a quintessential and aristocratic femininity; one that is full of grace, sophistication and elegance. More than luxury, this is an inspiring philosophy for the most demanding women in the world. 3. Competitive Review: Recently, because Vietnam’s economic has a great development and living standard is gradually increasing, the needs to be beauty and health caring are rising rapidly. Because of the working pressure and environment pollution, women nowadays have wrinkle faster and faster. With these reasons, the anti-aging cosmetic market is really potential. Key competitors include the following: * Cle De Peau: A Japanese brand which was only established for the last 30 years. + Product: having knowledge about the Neuro Skin Theory: â€Å"Skin has a brain of its own† and the discovery of the leukemia network of the skin, it can be said that Cle De Peau anti-aging products are the most effective and best-seller anti-aging product in Vietnam at the moment. + Strong: ââ€"  Potential to be the most understanding Vietnamese’s skin (a Asia brand) ââ€"  A clean operation history ââ€"  High customer loyalty ââ€"  Advanced technology + Weakness: ââ€"  The most expensive product ââ€"  Small distribution channel * Està ©e Lauder: This America brand entered Vietnam only for 7 years (since summer 2005) but it already has a stable position in the cosmetic market with a convenient distribution channel (2 stores in Hanoi and other 4 in Ho Chi Minh City). + Product: applied the exclusive DNA technology, the anti-aging serial of Està ©e Lauder have a superior position which gains over 70 global awards and over 20 global certificates. + Strong: ââ€"  Està ©e Lauder is a company with bright and long history which creates a trustful strong famous global brand. ââ€"  The advantage of continuously improving technology ââ€"  Reputation products ââ€"  Convenient store in beauty places ââ€"  Wonderful employees and services + Weakness: ââ€"  Scandal of models representing as the face of Està ©e Lauder (Carolyn Murphy, etc.) ââ€"  Be doubted of using child-labors ââ€"  The CEO is doubted of poor executive ability which leads to the impaired of this brand. * Clinique: A brand developed by dermatologists of Està ©e Lauder Company but unlike Està ©e Lauder, Clinique already appeared in Vietnam from 2001 and having a larger distribution channel (9 official stores in the 3 biggest cities of Vietnam: Hanoi, Haiphong, Ho Chi Minh City) + Product: Clinique products can be suitable for every skin’s kind with its natural origins cosmetics. + Strong: ââ€"  Reputation brand in over 130 countries ââ€"  Developed by dermatologists ââ€"  Being a professional in online business, which even has a tracking and advising system for customers ââ€"  All products have been Allergy Tested and 100% Fragrance Free. ââ€"  The first one who approached Vietnamese customers ââ€"  Reasonable price ââ€"  Large distribution channel + Weakness: ââ€"  Average skin care product quality * Kanebo: Officially appeared in Vietnam in 2003 through Exclusive Distributors – Trade Co., Ltd. L & K. This Japanese brand already has 9 official showrooms in Vietnam (2 in Hanoi, 1 in Haiphong and other 3 in Ho Chi Minh City). + Product: According to Kanebo theory of the structure of skin, the â€Å"Adhesive Technology† is the way to have an excellence skin. + Strong: ââ€"  Over 110 years history brand which already presented in 51 countries. ââ€"  Finding out â€Å"Rhodomyrtus Tomentosa† essences which have oxidation activity that help rebuild DNA ââ€"  Large distribution channel + Weakness: ââ€"  Accounts scandal ââ€"  Still be a quite small brand in global market * â€Å"Hang xach tay†: Not really a specific brand, â€Å"Hang xach tay† is a new trend in commodity trading in Vietnam nowadays. â€Å"Hang xach tay† operations base on the products which flight attendants or pilots or even shop owners’ acquaintances brought back after each time they went abroad. + Product: Diversified brand names, products, origins and quality. In Hanoi, â€Å"Hang xach tay† has a venue at the â€Å"Aviation Street† (Nguyá »â€¦n SÆ ¡n St.) + Strong: ââ€"  Having stores in every cities and provinces of Vietnam ââ€"  Having many online retailers ââ€"  Lower price than official distributors of brands because the shop owners do not have to pay the tariffs and other non-tariff fees. + Weakness: ââ€"  Unclear origin (can be fake) ââ€"  A large amount of â€Å"Hang xach tay† is almost out-of-date or old fashion products. Despite this strong competition, Lancà ´me can carve out a definite image and gain recognition among the targeted segments. Lancà ´me’s Absolue L’Extrait is considered as a magical product which is produced by the most advanced and unique technology in the world nowadays. It is a breakthrough after 10 years searching and developing from Lancà ´me, a famous reputation brand. Thus, Lancà ´me’s Absolue L’Extrait will have an absolute competitive advantage among other products. The most potential competitor of Lancà ´me’s Absolue L’Extrait in Vietnamese anti-aging market is Cle De Peau. However, Cle De Peau’s La Cream U still has some weak side such as it is the most expensive cosmetic product in Vietnam market. Moreover, unlike Lancà ´me’s Absolue L’Extrait, even you have already used La Cream U for night care, you still need other lotion for day care for the best result. In short, Lancà ´me’s Absolue L’Extrait has the newest advance technology in cosmetic industry, more suitable price and gives better result. 4. Channel and Logistics Review: Because Lancà ´me has entered Vietnam for 6 years, the distribution channel is still quite small. 5. Retailer stores: Lancà ´me has been opened 6 stores (in which four stores in HCM city and two stores in Hanoi) at Parkson (the retail arm of The Lion Group): + Parkson Saigon Tourist Plaza – 35Bis-45, Là ª Thà ¡nh Tà ´ng St., Bá º ¿n Nghà ©, District 1, HCMC. + Parkson Hung Vuong Plaza – 126 Hung Vuong St., District 5, HCMC. + Parkson Paragon – 3 Nguyá »â€¦n LÆ °Ã† ¡ng Bá º ±ng St., Tà ¢n Phà º, District 7, HCMC. + Parkson Flemington – 184 Là ª Ä Ã¡ º ¡i Hà  nh St. , District 11, HCMC. + Parkson Viet Tower – 198 Tà ¢y SÆ ¡n St., Trung Liá »â€¡t, Ä Ã¡ »â€˜ng Ä a District, Hanoi. + Parkson Landmark – 72- Keangnam Tower, E6, Cá º §u Giá º ¥y new urban areas, Má »â€¦ Trà ¬, Tá » « Lià ªm, Hanoi III. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threat Analysis 1. Strengths: 2.1. Exclusive biotechnology process: Lancà ´me has now succeeded in cultivating stem cells from this rose, which can be multiplied infinitely by a biotechnological procedure called Fermogenesis, which provides each stem cell with a gentle growth environment, which preserves its own metabolic rate and all its regenerative potential. 2.2. Unique and precious components: The key component is a new active ingredient – Lancà ´me Rose stem cells – obtained through an exclusive biotechnological process. These rose cells are claimed to be capable of stimulating human dermal stem cells, which are found in the deepest layers of the skin, and play an essential role in the renewal of the fundamental layers of the dermis. In addition, the anti-ageing formula is delivered within a pearly pink cream-elixir, which changes its texture on application to melt into the skin. It is scented with notes of rose, bergamot, pink peppercorns, jasmine, freesia, woods and musk. 2.3. Extra â€Å"message petal† applicator: In addition to a superior anti-aging cream, there is a message petal applicator to motivate its benefits. Specially designed for a dual ritual, it features a black warm side to pick up and apply the elixir, and a golden cord side for smoothing and massaging the product in to skin. 2.4. Good distribution channels: From the successes in the first store in Ho Chi Minh City, up to now, Lancà ´me has been opened 6 stores (four stores in HCM city and two stores in Ha Noi) and have intended to open new store in Hai Phong. The market share in 2009 increased 3 times than 2 years ago. Lancà ´me store are located on well-known shopping centers such as Parkson, which are highly attractive and convenient for knowing and buying product. This factor is one of the most important factors that have assisted them to maintain their high market share in premium cosmetic market. 2. Weakness: 3.5. Small-scale targeted segment: Target only on Adults but not for Youngsters. Like some other products, Lancà ´me’s Absolue L’Extrait has target segment only of adults who have high standard not for youngsters who are the majority of Vietnam population 3.6. Pricing: The product is charged with the higher price in comparison with others in the same product line of our competitors. It is a result of unique and valued features of the product. 3. Opportunities: 4.7. Open market: The economy of Vietnam is growing rapidly and living standard of Vietnamese is improved very much. As a result, Vietnamese women will care more about their health as well as their beauty. They will spend more for skin-care products. It is an open market for Lancà ´me to develop their luxurious products. 4.8. Increasing targeted customers: The targeted customer of Lancà ´me is the upper class. As a result of development in economy and globalization, there are more and more the rich, who are willing to pay much for luxurious line of product, in Vietnam. 4.9. The development of distribution channel: * Parkson, the main distribution channel of Lancà ´me in Vietnam, is developing and becoming more and more popular here. It once succeeded in helping Lancà ´me increase their market share in some Asian countries, especially in China, where has some similarities in economy and society with Vietnam. * The development of the Internet makes it easier for customers to access to Lancà ´me’s website and find information about products. They also can buy products they want through the Internet conveniently and fast. 4. Threats: 5.10. Increasing competitors: More corporations with famous brands are entering Vietnam market with high-quality cosmetics that offer some but not all of benefits provided by Lancà ´me. Some of them have lower price in comparison with Lancà ´me’s Absolue L’Extrait. Beside these official competitive companies, the product also has to cope with another kind of competitor called â€Å"hang xach tay†, which provides cosmetic products from abroad with cheaper price and is very popular in Vietnam nowadays. 5.11. Effects of global economic crisis on Vietnam economy: The crisis on global economy has certain impacts on Vietnam. One of them is effects on people’s spending habit. Due to pressure on difficulties in economy, customers will buy fewer goods and they only buy necessary goods. As a result, luxury goods like Absolue L’extrait will not attract many people, even the rich. That will be a resistance to Lancà ´me’s revenue. IV. Market-Product Focus: This section describes the three- year marketing and product objectives for Lancà ´me’s Absolue L’Extrait Cream. It includes a description of our target markets and our product differentiation strategies. 1. Marketing and Product Objectives * Non-financial Objectives * Launch product by July 2012 – with distribution primarily in Parkson department. * Gain a 10% market share among existing anti- aging products. * Sell a minimum of 10,000 units in the first year, with at least 25% increase in sales in the next 2 consecutive years. * Financial Objectives * Generate at least $3.5 million in revenue during the first year. *Increase profit growth by at least 10% per year for the next 3 years. 2. Target Market For our product, we focus on targeting the end users, as these consumers make the decision to purchase. Our target market is professional women over the age of 30. These women are concerned with the signs of aging and trust Lancà ´me, as they believe Lancà ´me is devoted to quality skincare products. These professionals earn upper income and live in urban areas. They are buyers of fashionable clothing, premium products and shop in upscale department stores. 3. Product differentiation Product differentiation is the significant other half of product positioning: the two must work together to achieve success. Many manufacturers offer creams that are designed to reduce the sign of aging around the face. Thus, it is detrimental to the success of a product that it carries addition benefits and features that make it more attractive to the consumers than the industry alternatives. Absolue L’Extrait differentiates its self from its competitors through the advantages listed below: * Unique formula with our most powerful regenerating ingredient, Lancà ´me Rose Native Cells. * Well-research through 10 years. * Strong brand equity. * Easy to obtain through upscale department stores where our target customers usually go shopping. * Backing from strong parent company, L’Oreal Companies, Inc. V. Marketing Strategy: 1. Product Strategy: Our product strategy for Lancà ´me’s Absolue L’Extrait Cream is â€Å"Product differentiation†. Products designed by our competitors to reduce the signs of aging have over and over proved to be ineffective. With Lancà ´me’s Absolue L’Extrait Cream, we will change this notion. Women can experience Lancà ´me’s revolutionary skincare innovation and our most powerful regenerating ingredient, Lancà ´me Rose Native Cells. As described in the earlier Product Preview section, our star ingredient, Rose Stem Cells, is claimed to be capable of â€Å"stimulating human dermal stem cells†. The natural regenerating potential of plant stem cells and the self-renewal of the skin’s own dermal skin cells provide a double boost deep in the skin’s makeup, resulting in a smoother, more radiant and more youthful appearance. 2. Pricing Strategy: â€Å"Lancà ´me’s Absolue L’Extrait Cream is considered the most advanced product; it brings efficiency proportional to its value†, according to Youcef Nabi, president of Lancà ´me company. The suggested retail price for this product will be $385, the price that is slightly higher than our major competitors. The perceived benefits of our product are high with respect to the price, therefore Lancà ´me is taking on a value- pricing strategy. Figure 1 Price/Value Map for the Lancà ´me’s Absolue L’Extrait Cream As shown in Figure 1, our product is in the Fair Value Zone at the Premium point. We can use this value-pricing strategy based on certain conditions. First, the superior quality of our product and our brand, Lancà ´me, will support the higher price that our loyal customers will trust and buy this product. Second, our target customer, upper-class women, will care about the value rather than the cost of the product they purchase. Finally, competitors cannot be able to enter the market because of our unique formula in the cream, therefore they cannot undercut our price. By using this strategy, we believe we will be able to gain a considerable amount of market share. 3. Distribution Strategy: L’oreal Vietnam company is the main distributor of Lancà ´me in Vietnam. Our channel strategy is to use exclusive distribution, which enhances Lancà ´me’s image and allows higher markup. We focus on marketing the cream through our chain of Lancà ´me stores in Parkson department stores. Parkson has eight modern and successful department stores, 4 in Ho Chi Minh City, 2 in Hanoi, which are big cities of Vietnam with large proportion of high income people. Moreover, it is obvious that most of Vietnamese citizens perceive Parkson as a special location for shopping luxury, expensive and high quality goods, creating advantage for Lancà ´me to build strong brand in Vietnam and reach our target customers – upper class women.On the other hand, it is unfortunate that our company has not yet established Vietnamese official Lancà ´me website so we can’t serve customers direct purchase. 4. Marketing Communication Strategy: Our company will follow the concept of integrated marketing communications-blending the promotion tools into a coordinated promotion mix. 5.1. Advertising: Instead of using means like television or radio, we choose Magazine and LCD advertising as the main media vehicles. Regarding using magazine, the objective of our company is to take advantage of well-known, expensive magazines about beauty, whose readers are women aged average 27 years old. According to the recent research we have collected, the company decide to market through 3 famous magazines- Elle, Her World and Heritage Fashion: + Elle: a worldwide magazine of French origin with 140,000 readers over 20,000 publications in Vietnam. The age of reader is above 27, which is suitable for the company’s strategy. In this magazine, we will place our full-page advertisement about L’extrait cream in the fourth cover in order to take readers’ attention efficiently. + Her world: monthly special issues by Sun Media company who bought the rights transferred from Singapore Her World magazine .It is becoming more and more famous thanks to Vietnam’s Next Top Model contest. Our company will contract with Sun Media representative to launch our lasted product –Absolue L’extrait cream in the same position as we have in Elle magazine. + Heritage fashion: In-flight magazine for Vietnam Airlines .The purpose of ours in marketing in this kind of magazine is to reach female customers in domestic flight of Vietnam Airlines. To avoid missing key customers who don’t have time to read magazines as Elle and Her World, Heritage Fashion is an ideal choice to introduce to them our new product when they spend time to relax during their flights. *Months of publication: February, April, June, August, October, December. In addition, we plan to use LCD advertising in our marketing strategy. The video of product will appear on LCD screens of Parkson department stores, which are placed in elevators or the halls. The customers will passively access to our product without purpose. This method is more effective than Television advertising. 5.2. Direct Marketing: +Website: along with working with Elle in marketing in magazine, we also like to put banners about the product at the corner of the main website of Elle: and Parkson:, which will lead the customers directly to our company Facebook page providing detailed product‘s information. Absolue L’extrait‘s features and price will be updated in Parkson website as well. Furthermore, the company will put the news of Absolue L’extrait in the front page in our Website so that our loyal, potential and first- time customers can easily approach to the product. +Online Social networks: Facebook is the best choice for online marketing in Vietnam because most of Vietnamese internet users have one or more Facebook account while Twitter seems to be ignored here for some reasons. Therefore, our company will place the introduction of Absolue L’extrait as special event on Facebook page and update as well as answer the questions about this product. 5.3. Sales Promotion: +Displays and demonstration: We will send each of our retail stores large color advertisement to display in the stores as well as small brochures explaining our product and its feature in Vietnamese. The display needs to emphasize that Absolue L’extrait cream is the most innovative and luxury product of Lancà ´me. +Sample: Another method is that samples will be available to consumers, this is a great way to â€Å"try before you buy†. Sampling develops a loyal consumer because the customer will only return to purchase the product if she genuinely liked it. Our company will give limited number of samples to customers who purchased over 3 million Vietnam dong. The sample will begin to be handed to consumer 1 month before the introduction of the product. 5.4. Personal selling: The company will provide salespeople about detailed information of the product such as superior features and advantages to give the useful advice to customers. Besides, since Lancà ´me entered Vietnam market in 2006, the brand has had substantial amount of loyal customers who have strong belief in our product. Lancà ´me salespeople are also well trained to build and maintain close relationship with those ones. These sale consultants will contact with the potential customers about the presence of the latest product- Absolue L’extrait anti- aging cream . Their interpersonal communication skills help them to deliver a clear, concise and consistent message to your prospects about the product and give the reasons why they should purchase it, basing on the salespeople’s understanding about them. Counter salespeople need to gather customer information and follow up with the each customer 3 days after the samples are given to insure effectiveness otherwise its money down the drain. 5. Marketing Organization: Marketing organization will reveal the overall outlook about how the marketing campaign operates and how it gains success. Ms. Sonia Chiu, the chief marketing officer at Asian Region, is in charge of planning and designing a general marketing strategies and handing it over to the subordinators within the supervision. * Marketing development and project manager, one of the sub-division of marketing organization, will work in collaboration with the advertising agency with whom they develop the advertising material for the launch (3 main magazines: Her world, Heritage fashion, Elle). This division also work with the packaging design agency, press relations and internal communications staff. * Regional manager are responsible for the sales targets set by the Group, pursue the sales promotion and need to have the capacity to analysis your results so as to allow you to imagine and to conceive corrective operational strategies when required. * Store marketing manager investigate any and every alternative distribution network opportunity (street merchants, Internet, etc.) and work on negotiations, for example about the promotional campaigns delivered through distributing brand stores. * Distributing manager is one subordinator who carries out the logistics and distribution of new- launched product through the only retailer channel – Parkson. This division will take action under the leading of store manager. VI. Action Programs: The company decide to launch Absolue L’extrait in July 4th, 2012. Following are summaries of the action programs we will implement in six next months since this June 4th, 2012 to achieve our stated objectives. June. Pre-launch action month: From June 4th, 2012. The campaign will officially begin in all 6 Lancà ´me stores in Parkson’s malls. The Vietnam L’oreal company will send representatives to each one to help decorating with the image of Absolue L’extrait appearing in the stores. The leaflets are going to be placed in cash desk. These actions are to be implemented early in order to attract the customers ‘curiosity. We also want to initiate the method â€Å"try before you buy† to our customers, therefore, the samples will be sent to V.I.P and customers with above 3 million product bill until the end of June. Counter salespeople need to gather customer information and follow up with the each customer 3 days after the sample was given to insure effectiveness. Moreover, our training staff will work with sales personnel at 6 shops to explain superior features as well as advantages of the cream. On Facebook, we will set July 4th as important event and provide the product’s information. We plan to write an article introducing new anti-aging cream of Lancà ´me -Absolue L’extrait and publish it on double page spread of Elle, Her World and Heritage Fashion with detailed information.Every LCD screens in each Parkson department stores will run video of Absolue L’extrait. July. Launch month: The program of handing samples need to be ended.The product will be put at an eye catching position in the stores and the Absolue L’extrait banner must be placed in front of each shop in order to attract customers passing by. The salespeople will begin to contact to their loyal customers through phone, e-mail or a close conversation. They will try to remind consumers entering store about the appearance of the product. Advertisement will be put in the fourth cover in Elle and Her World magazine. On the main page of Elle’s website, the product’s banner will appear once people access and lead them to our Facebook page. August. The company will register to do marketing in Heritage Fashion magazine with the same position as in those 2 magazines to target business women who usually get flights and V.I.P of Vietnam Airline that usually receive this magazine. September. In this month, because the Heritage Fashion will not be published, we will continue with August strategy. The comments of customers after using Absolue L’extrait will be posted on the Facebook. October. Salespeople continue to ensure the efficiency of the product by contacting with their customers. Advertisement on magazines still goes on following to the schedule and with publication of Heritage Fashion in this month. November. Advertisement campaign will continue as September. The results of customer satisfaction surveys and feedbacks will be analyzed carefully. We will begin to collect the reply from the customers and readers of 3 magazines about the campaign to get improvement for the next marketing activities. VII. Budget ( in one year from 7/2012 to 7/2013 ) By setting objective aimed at unit sale per year is 10,000, total first year sales revenue for Lancà ´me in Vietnam is projected at $3.5 million, with a selling price of $350 per unit (without VAT), and variable cost of $300 per unit (the cost included importing tax ). The first year profit are anticipated approximately $237,400. Break-even calculation indicates that Lancà ´me’s Absolue L’Extrait Cream will become profitable after the sale volume exceeds 5,252 units in this year. The break even analysis of Lancà ´me’s Absolue L’Extrait Cream assumes that revenue in this year is $3.5 million, variable cost per unit is $300, and the estimated fixed costs is $262,600. Based on these assumptions, the break-even sale volume is: $262,600à ·$350-$300=5,252 units Breakeven sales: 5,252 Ãâ€"$350 =$1,838,200 Note : †¢ Total Fix cost = $262,600 +Cost for rent and freight cost: $35,000 +Advertising: $90,200 +Direct Marketing: $42,000 +Sale promotion: $61,800 +Personal selling: $33,600 †¢ Variable cost: $300 per unit (included import tax) †¢ Selling Price: $350 per unit (not included VAT) VIII. Controls Through this marketing plan, our corporate goals have been projected and our methods for achieving these goals have been defined. To guarantee success, the company needs to re-evaluate the progress towards these goals in each quarter to determine if our marketing plan is working properly and profitably. If it appears that we are not meeting our goals each quarter, we will need to analyze our marketing plan and make adjustments. Source Background information and market data adapted from:|339|

Thursday, November 7, 2019

George Gordon Lord Byron essays

George Gordon Lord Byron essays George Gordon Lord Byron was an English poet who lived from 1788 until 1824. Though his life was short he seemed to live it to the fullest, having many adventures and new loves. George Gordon wrote mainly from his experiences in life and love; he made even the slightest events in life seem passionate and significant. George Gordons life started in humble position. On January 22, 1788, he was born into a less than gifted family. His father was quiet prudent and his mother suffered from constant mood swings, sometimes ending in violent rages (1). ). George was born with a club foot which his parents tried to have fixed when George and his mother moved to Aberdeen, Scotland (2). Here George went to a grammar school and received attention from a doctor and nurse. Unfortunately George had a bad experience with both of them. When he was only nine, George was tortured by his doctor (3). George was also molested by his nurse. These events greatly affected his view towards women (2). It was when George was only ten that he inherited the estate of his great-uncle Lord Byron, and the title Lord. His mother gladly took him to the estate where they lived for a while. As a young teen he courted his distant cousin Mary Chatworth. The courtship ended in heartbreak for George. This experience was the catalyst for Lord Byrons first poetry (2). When George was 20, he took his place in the House of Lords. It was then that he published more of his works, including an anonymous dramatic work (2). With the House he toured widely and experienced many events that shaped his life and influence his writing. He was shipwrecked, survived a bad fever, swam across the Hellespont, rescued a girl from drowning and fell in love several times (1). While Byron was returning home from this tour, his mother died before he could reach her (2). At age 27 Byron went with the House of Lords to Italy. Here he continued to write and have ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Agriculture in Scandinavia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Agriculture in Scandinavia - Essay Example Agriculture in Scandinavia and the rest of Europe is known to have arrived from South West Asia in pre-historic times in the form of foreign colonists and their domesticated animals, seeds, and potted plants.Study of transition in Southern Scandinavia became easier and more exciting as the region proved to be a laboratory of human prehistory.There are evidences that the early cultures in Middle East around 8000 BC used wild cereals for food which led to cultivated wheat, use of pottery With the fantastic archeological sources and research combined with impressive chronology, Northern Europe, Denmark and southern Scandinavia are a mine of anthropological information today. Study of transition in Southern Scandinavia became easier and more exciting as the region proved to be a laboratory of human prehistory. There are evidences that the early cultures in Middle East around 8000 BC used wild cereals for food which led to cultivated wheat, use of pottery, grains, and this is believed to have spread farming across Neolithic Europe.It is also argued that the farming revolution reached Scandinavia only around 4000 or 3800 BC, according to pottery and winding coils of clay found in the region. This assumption and belief that lasted all these years has been questioned by recent anthropologists, who claim that the farming was not borrowed, but was indigenized and Price is one among them. "Given current archaeological and anthropological evidence, the consensus among Scandinavian archaeologists today is that the introduction of agriculture was largely the result of indigenous adoption" (Price). World agriculture itself is as recent as around 10,000 years. Around 25,000 BC, hunter gatherer communities ventured beyond the arctic circle into Russia and Siberia. This area was colonized by humans only after the retreat of Pleistocene ice around 14,000 years ago. The key events of human history, pertaining to the development of agriculture, include stone tools of 7500 BC, copper and painted pottery of 4500 BC, carved rock faces of Norway with animal subjects of 4000 BC, Ertebelle culture with pointed-bottomed pots and oval bowls. Also, complex wickerwork of 3600 BC, passage tombs, dolmens of megalith, stone blocks of 3500-2500 BC that show organized endeavors, hand formed decorated pottery and year-round settlements of 2800 BC, artisan work of 2500-2000 BC and the burial mounds of elite households of 2200-1600 BC etc. The forest farmers initially seem to have ventured into agriculture and livestock husbandry, which has been evidenced in Central Sweden, South Norway where the Pitted Ware (hunter-gatherer with some agriculture) started and believed to have spread into southern Sweden and parts of Denmark from 5,900 BC onwards. From 4,800 BC onwards, Late Neolithic Farmers and Stock Herders appeared on the scene combined with Corded Ware traditi on, marking the changes in agricultural societies of Scandinavia with small, rather isolated settlements of indefinable groups of agriculturists. From 4,500 BC onwards, independent agriculture started and 3,800 BC onwards the Bronze Age dawned in Norway and Sweden, giving way to technologically advanced agricultural tools. Eastern Europe seems to have continued with part time farming supported by seasonal dwelling practices and a hunters' way of life for a long time. The Linearbandkeramic farming culture spread across Central Europe, but agricultural foodstuffs were introduced in the late Mesolithic and the delay is attributed to flourishing fishing and hunting which avoided the dire need for agricultural products. Later, there is an abundance proof to show that differentiation in status, class and trade held sway over agriculture in these parts as the burial mounds show. Even though Price agrees with most of the above arguments, some of his claims are rather unprecedented. He says by middle Neolithic period, wheat was 96% of the cereals and barley was 22% at later Funnelbeaker sites. In this period, cattle were becoming indispensable representing 80% of the animal husbandry. Technology was slowly being introduced into the agriculture, pottery and weapons. "The common anthropological background of the dualist society tradition, as it originates from Durkheimian sociology, is mirrored in the separation of peasant society from tribal

Saturday, November 2, 2019

As janie goes throuth life her search for self identity takes many Essay - 1

As janie goes throuth life her search for self identity takes many terns for the worse and a few for betters, but in the end she finds her true identity. Discus. five paragraphs - Essay Example ined to be filled with unfortunate circumstances of abuse or injustice and while Leafy’s character according to the novel serves as a reflection of weakness that ran away from her obligation of potential hope, in the person of her daughter, Janie proves otherwise. With an arranged marriage to Logan Killicks Janie, in her innocence, anticipates a loving kind of relationship only to be disillusioned by Logan’s objective of acquiring a wife to be a hard-working partner in tending his farm. At this stage, readers may already sense the likelihood of a dramatic turning point bound at allowing Janie to perceive how unbearable it could get to live a life with a man she is forced into. To this extent, a picture and sentiment of a helpless girl at the verge of losing esteem and recognition of her purpose is quite poignant and the author seemingly meant to indicate an aspect of injustice toward women in the form of slavery and of violating their will or being entitled to personal decision. This is all the more aggravated by an overall view of gender inequality in male domination over Janie’s situation as a wife. The quest for comfort and self-worth proceeds as Janie gathers sufficient strength to leave L. Killicks and find solace and affection with Joe Starks, a lover who makes acquisition of a significant parcel of land in Eatonville on which he puts up merchandising establishment by employing the service of town inhabitants who highly approves of him and in return, entrusts him to become their mayor. Once again, Janie is about to discover herself in a position unfavorably governed and configured by her husband who restricts her image to the level that only enhances his desired reputation though at the expense of his wife’s right to social freedom. Upon his loss, Janie sets out in appeasing settlement of confusing distress as she makes a third encounter that would essentially be the key to refining her foundation of real character. Her relationship with Tea Cake